Happy Wedding Day Frenz

Here is my frenz. Both are my classmate since form 1 at my secondary school. Have a nice day frenz for Rosyafarid and Nur Zainie. May Allah bless you.An invitation…

Akhil Hayy : Berita Pada KawanPerjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkanSayang, engkau tak duduk di sampingku kawanBanyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikanDi tanah kering berbatuanO ho~ oho oho~ o ho.. ho…

In memory

Here the photo of my cousin and I. Actually this photo was taken at Malacca Zoo around 1996 since I was standard 4.It also my first time got a chance…

Swarm Intelligence

by Paula Weston The behaviour of ants has long fascinated scientists. And why not? These insects have the strength to carry food up to seven times their own body weight,…