Maulidur rasul dan cuti lagi…

Salam selamat pagi…. Maulidur rasul iaitu merupakan satu sambutan untuk memperingati segala perjuangan Rasulullah s.a.w…. Penentuan tarikh kelahiran pula pada 12 Rabiul’Awal walaupun mahsyur masih dianggap lemah……Antara hujah yang kuat…

Day–2 : Injection

  Refer my 1st post regarding this.     Yes… In few days, I’ll transform to new mutant. Mutant-X…. The infection seems to be spread out…  Wahahaha… Just kidding……

New year…. It’s 2013!

2013 just a number….  For me just nothing… Since, my new year already passed….Few month ago… We still not really sure either to celebrate 2013 or 1434H…. It’s something like…