Trip ke Cameron Highlands

Trip ke Cameron Highlands

Sebenarnya ingatkan nak pergi Cameron Highlands pada hari Ahad sebab tengok harga hotel terlalu mahal bila beli hari yang sama. Lepas tu tengok-tengok point Agoda dah  cukup untuk tebus. DiGi…

Cameron Highlands

Sabtu, 21 Saptember 2013. Kami ke Cameron Highlands...  Sebenarnya tak rancang pun nak datang ke Cameron Highlands nie... So, datang sini boleh ler beli pokok2 untuk letak dekat rumah...  Banyak…

Cameron Highlands Part 2

Alhamdulillqh... We've arrived here around 2 pm yesterday... Then, we're staying at Titiwangsa Hotel right now.... The hotel quite good here and our room is facing the road side....Beside that,…

Cameron Highlands

Morning.... Just writing this blog around 4.30 am....Such early in the morning... Before we're depart to Cameron Highlands, we just stayed at Ipoh for 1 night... So, this better for…